ESIL Lecture  “The duty to engage – the recipe for trust in a world of angst” by Prof. Morten Kjaerum.


On 4 October 2017, Prof. Morten Kjaerum, Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund University, will give the Fourth Memorial Lecture for Professor Vojin Dimitrijević, in Belgrade, at the invitation of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights.


Prior Memorial Lectures for Professor Vojin Dimitrijević were given by Rosalyn Higgins, Fausto Pocar, and Christian Tomuschat, and are all available for viewing in the ESIL Lecture series at: .


If you wish to attend Prof. Kjaerum’s ESIL Lecture, please send an email to the organizers at


ESIL Lectures are available on our website as well as on our Youtube Channel.


To propose an ESIL Lecture, please read the Guidelines for the ESIL Lecture Series.